"Electronic petition to prevent the suspension of work of waste management enterprises as a result of mobilization measures"

Our waste management industry is facing a serious challenge due to the mobilization of workers of conscription age. This can lead to a critical situation and shutdown of the enterprises.

"Electronic petition to prevent the shutdown of waste management enterprises due to mobilization measures"

The Special Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization" does not contain any provisions that would grant a deferral to employees of enterprises operating in the field of waste management, although the said Law stipulates that during martial law the population of our country should be provided with food and non-food products, medical care, communication services, transport, utilities and household services in an uninterrupted and standardized manner.

It is therefore unclear how these utilities, which include household waste management services, will be provided in an uninterrupted and rationed manner if the enterprises in the sector are simply unable to provide them because their staff has been mobilized. The staff of these enterprises is predominantly made up of men of military age who have specialized skills and cannot be replaced by workers from other industries. Their mobilization will lead to the collapse of the waste management system in Ukraine.


The Association "Ukrainian Ecological Alliance" asks to amend the current legislation of Ukraine regulating mobilization and to provide for provisions in other legal acts on deferral for employees of waste management enterprises to avoid systemic collapse and national problems.

We urge everyone to sign the petition and spread the word among colleagues and friends. We need to collect 25,000+ votes.

Instructions for signing:

  1. Follow the link and log in to the site:
  2. After authorization, enter the code that will be sent to your mobile phone for confirmation.
  3. You will receive a confirmation of registration by e-mail. Receive your login and password.
  4. Log in to the site using the received login and password.
  5. Find our petition «Електронна петиція щодо унеможливлення зупинення роботи підприємств сфери управління відходами внаслідок здійснення мобілізаційних заходів» (published on 06.06.2024) and vote.
  6. Go back to your email, check all folders (including spam), and find the email with the subject line "Confirmation of e-petition signature".
  7. Open the email and click on "Confirm petition signature".
  8. Return to the site and check whether the petition has been supported by you (a green tick will appear next to the chart with the number of votes).

Your voice matters! Let's join forces and protect our industry.

Thank you for your support!